07702 593 325

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In 2019, I opened the doors to my clinic with the goal of providing Swindon with top-of-the-line mental health services. Whether you’re looking for a bit of counselling, or need professional assistance overcoming a traumatic experience - your wellbeing is my number one priority. I go above and beyond to cater to the needs of every patient with my personalized services. Dealing with Anxiety, Depression, ADHD, ASD, Autism, Life coaching, Bipolar disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder, Self-Harm, Suicidal thoughts, Feelings of loneliness, Bereavement, Cognitive Behaviour, therapy (CBT) Person Cantered Therapy (PCT) Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Psychotherapy therapy, Psycho Dynamic Therapy, Relationship Counselling, Child Counselling, PTSD, Satanic Ritual Abuse, Leaving a Religious Cult therapy, Shunning Recovery, Disassociation and Disfellowship Counselling, Sex Addiction, Sexual abuse, drugs and alcohol addiction, Low self-esteem, Change of sexuality, Gay, Lesbian, Transsexual transition, systemic family counselling, Bipolar disorder, Accident rehabilitation therapy

Helping you to cope with life’s challenges and caring for all your mental health needs

Here For You
Non-suicidal self-harm, Thoughts of suicide, Anxiety, Depression, Anger issues, feelings of confusion, Not understanding your emotions, sexual/physical/psychological abuse, Bullying, Self-image problems, Social media bullying, feelings of isolation and not belonging, behavioural problems, feeling that you don't fit in, feelings of wanting to hurt small animals, curiosity about the occult and it's practices, Satanic ritual abuse, Child trafficking/Slavery.
Quality Care
Communication problems, Repetitive cycle of arguing, Not being able to have Children, One partner not wanting children, Aggressive behaviour, Struggling to compromise, Issues with self-pride, vanity and selfishness, lack of intimacy, Abusive speech, Trust issues, Stress due to financial problems, Not spending enough time together, Lack of self-awareness, Controlling behaviour, Not feeling appreciated, Not having the same goals, losing a child, struggling with a long distance relationship, Sudden or gradual change in behaviour, Can't talk to each other about your feelings, being evasive, feeling ignored, one or both parties become violent towards the other, feeling like your growing apart, uncertainty about the future of the relationship, Feeling that you are invisible, Male partner not wanting to get professional help, spending too much time with other people instead of with your partner, Male partner running away when you want to talk.

Rehabilitation Therapy
Car accidents, Machine accidents, Burns, Broken or amputated limbs, Brain damage, severed limbs that have been reattached, struggling to adjust to life with your disability, feeling frustrated with life, wanting to isolate yourself from others, negative dark thoughts.....

about the future, struggling with daily tasks you previously found simple, avoiding friends and family, Frustrated that everyone only keeps talking about your injury or disability, feeling you can't move on with your life, frustrated with solicitors prolonging your compensation claim when you want to settle the claim to move on with your life, having trouble with intimacy with your partner, no longer feeling like a whole complete person, lack of daily motivation, feeling that your accident as overshadowed you as a person.
1-2-1 Adult Therapy
Dealing with a miscarriage, Managing bereavement, coping with divorce, Wanting a new direction in life, Managing a terminal illness, Work stress, Anger Management, Caring for a severely disabled or elderly family member, Intrusive thoughts, Anxiety, Depression, Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), Agoraphobia (Exposure therapy, driving anxiety)
Family Therapy
Arguing with sibling, Can't find common ground, struggling with parenting, disrespectful children, struggling with boundaries, stressful home environment, violent outbursts at home by a child or adult, Struggling to communicate with family members, feeling you have lost control, feeling guilty.
Forensic Counselling
Repeat offenders and first time offenders counselling, Recently released from prison, Youth offending, Bad associations, Parole counselling,Living with criminal convictions,
Temptations of wanting to re-offend.
Child Forensic Counselling
Getting in trouble with the police, hanging around with a bad crowd, negative influences, lack of respect for the law and for parents, destructive behaviour, carrying weapons, released from a young offenders institute, shoplifting, criminal damage, not caring about anybody or anything, Violent outbursts of anger.

Exceeding Expectations One Patient at a Time
Ever since I was young, I knew I wanted to get into a career path that would make a difference in people’s lives. This interest led me to study psychological science and eventually a full time job. As a mental health therapist in the Lower Startton area, I am committed to the well-being of all my patients and go above and beyond to cater to their needs.
I truly care for all of my clients, and work diligently to help find them the answers they seek. Since 2019, I have worked with a variety of patients dealing with circumstances that are unique to their lives.

Perhaps you're down or anxious - maybe you're unsure about the future of a relationship, or just feel that you aren't living the life you were meant to lead. Whatever your needs may be, I am here to offer support. Therapy is a process of growth and self-discovery, and in my sessions I promote behavioral transformation by encouraging a positive outlook and the adoption of new attitudes and reactions. I have the tools and professional experience to help you get back on track.

Edward Telfer BSc (Hons), (GMBPsS) Forensic Psychology/Counselling Psychology, Level 4 Diploma Advanced Therapeutic Counselling
Ermin Street
07702 593 325
Book a free consultation today and avoid two year waiting lists for counselling with the GP to arrange therapy as soon as possible today.